
#travel #europe #wanderlust #camper #motorhome
Map of Europe and more.

Europe is a wonderful place full of different countries to visit…

We live in Italy, so we have touching us France, Austria and Croatia. Not to mention all the other countries we can visit without taking a ferry ride like Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Hungary and so many more…. 

We are looking forward in taking the ferry to see United Kingdom, Greece and most of all Morocco but lets see how far we get.

I have started this site to not only share in our experiences but to keep track of our adventures, I hope you enjoy and will also let you know about the camper sites where we stay in case you want to do your own journeys.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. You definitely have that kindred-spirit energy, and I find myself smiling just pondering the gift you have to transform a moment with the power of your own smile. You’re one of those walking ambassadors, spreading sunshine wherever you go! thanks for spreading some on my blog this morning!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Vorrei tanto assistere ad un viaggio fatto in camper, mediante qualche tuo video. Deve essere davvero emozionante. La libertà di spostarsi con un camper per il mondo, magari con una amica che se ne sta sdraiata in cabina con i piedi nudi sul cruscotto, in piena libertà.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. la librta’ del camper la trovi viaggiandoci.Il miglior consiglio è di provare ad affittarlo non ti fermare ai video…. Ti ringrazio tanto per leggere questo blog e spero che questo ti ispiri per conoscere questo modo di viaggiare. Ti auguro di trovare una bella amica per avere questa libertà!!! Thank again per la visita.


  3. Rhona Macgill says:

    Hey Issa! Our very Own European Ambassador! Keep spreading the LOVE! xxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You’ll love Morocco and spent almost one month there but backpacking, not with a camper.


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